Proofer Cabinets

Proofer Cabinets are an essential component of any commercial bakery or kitchen, providing a consistent temperature and humidity-controlled environment for dough to rise and proof. With various sizes and configurations, these cabinets are designed to accommodate different quantities and types of dough. Whether you’re proofing bread, pastry, or pizza dough, a proofer cabinet from Babak Food Equipment will ensure that your dough rises uniformly and consistently every time.

Showing all 2 results

BABAK ATHC-18 Insulated Heater Proofer Holding Cabinet

Original price was: $2,875.00.Current price is: $2,395.00.

BABAK ATHC-9 Insulated Heater Proofer Holding Cabinet

Original price was: $2,395.00.Current price is: $2,195.00.

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Reach In Refrigeration

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Commercial Ranges

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